Robin Hood’s Stride

A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

First time visit to Robin Hood’s Stride in the Derbyshire Peak District. To be fair I was probably pushing the boundaries of “stay local”, but we are where we are! My plan was to actually photograph more than just the gritstone tor, as there is much Bronze Age history around the area, but that didn’t happen.

I rushed around, fired off a few shots, but didn’t really take in my surroundings. I did climb to the top of the tor, and I think it’s safe to say the legend has possibly been embellished! The area itself definitely has something to offer, and images to be made. I think a visit to scout out compositions towards autumn time, when conditions should be more favourable, and I feel less of a criminal is probably the plan for this location.

I’m not quite sure what I thought of Robin Hood’s Stride. “Unimpressed” would probably sum it up, but I think that’s a combination of the poor light, time of year, and pandemic talking. The other takeaway was that I was glad I went in the light as there were some massive potholes on the minor roads!

You can view more images from my gallery of other Peak District locations.


Some Things Never Change


Baldstone Ridgeline